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Hi, I'm Victor

Global Award-Winning Researcher, Speaker and Entrepreneur. 

I create and deliver training content aimed at helping Early Career Professionals acquire new skills in the workplace. I've trained over 10,000 students, interns, graduates and young professionals. As a Gen Z Speaker, I understand their unique challenges and use this insight to develop effective Learning & Development strategies.

I would love to develop your talent, let's talk!

Victor Sosanya

Watch Victor's Speaker Reel

My Impact

What I Can Provide

If you believe I can be of service to you in a different way not covered above, please reach out. I would love to hear from you!

What People Share Online

Testimonial of Victor Sosanya by Anne Bamford.
“Victor Sosanya led a wonderful input at the City of London's recent event, ‘Skills: Trends and Next Practice’. He presented a very powerful argument for the value of fusion skills. The points he made about work experience and the tangible and intangible benefits it brings to young people really resonated with the packed auditorium. He is an inspirational education futurist.”

Dr Anne Bamford OBE, 
Global Education and Fusion Consultant and former Strategic Education and Skills Director, City of London

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